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Hey MFG friend,

Welcome to The Peters Report. My name is Gerald Peters and I’m the author of The Money Flow Trading System and the free eBook, You Don’t Have to Die Broke. This report is updated throughout the week and an accompaniment to the two above-mentioned books.

The report is here to help you get more out of the books. I invest and make the trades showcased in this report. I have my dividend portfolio listed in the report. I have a private trading group called The Money Flow Trading Society. We have a discord group and text alert notification system for buy and hold and trade notifications.

I follow the markets and have for 21 years. I have been teaching and sharing my strategy “The Money Flow Trading System” for several years to anyone who would listen. I go live every Sunday morning on IG and YouTube, The Money Flow Sunday Service teaching the 4 stages of price movement.

My purpose is not to provide a “trading” service, but a blueprint and place for likeminded people; a duplicable process that anyone can model to build wealth and make money trading and investing in stocks. If you have read my free eBook, You Don’t Have to Die Broke, you know I am also real-estate investor and business owner.

These are the 4 paths to acquiring wealth.

Pick one, pick two or pick all 4, but you got pick at least one.

1. Invest in Yourself – this has never been more IMPORTANT than now!

2. Own a Business – Fastest Way to Get Rich

3. Invest in Business – Stock Market is the fastest and easiest way to preserve your wealth. Think abundance, we want to keep, push, preserve and grow our wealth.

4. Real Estate – both an investment and a business. Starts with your personal home base.

Each asset class has its advantages and disadvantages as well as its own barriers to entry. Stocks are the easiest asset class for anyone regardless of age, race, or financial situation to participate in.

I hope you can find inspiration in my work. This newsletter is completely free of charge, and I update it thought the week as market conditions change.

My first book, You Don’t Have to Die Broke is completely free of charge, unless you want signed physical copy, then it is only $20. If you find my content valuable, (eBook, report and videos, podcast etc.) consider supporting my work by purchasing a copy of my stock trading strategy The Money Flow Trading System.

The book is self-published and available in eBook for only $47 and physical 8x11 manual with tons of cool charts (I love cool charts) shipped directly from my home office to yours for only $77 (eBook included).


I haven’t had a W-2 job since 2003. I’ve made my living off my mind, wits, and grit. This is what I call PUSHING my intent into the universe. I learned my stock trading skills the hard way through trial and error. I’ve met people, entrepreneurs, traders, and investors along the way that I picked up bits and pieces from. It’s amazing what a small bit of information learned and applied can accomplish. I’ve learned everything that way. I read, I listen, I study, I watch, and then I execute. I have no problems putting money at risk. If I can find an undervalued house, or piece of land, or a stock I think I can generate cash flow, or flip it later for a higher price, I will buy it.

That's the game I'm in- Making money with money. Forever growing and compounding. In as little as a few hours, weeks or even months to few years later I will sell it, getting my money back plus a profit to put to work in some new deal. Could be a house I want to rent to generate my cash flow, could be a mortgage REIT like AGNC because it is trading below fair value. I lived off my flips, trades, and commissions most my adult life until recently. Now all the years later in my journey I get to take passive income off my investments. The dividend stock I bought 15-20 years ago. That tree that was planted then is now yielding much fruit. Stay the course, it will be for you as well. I hope I can help you on your journey.

It's out of sense to give back, to hear what I wish someone had told me, and sometimes just to have a reason to study and talk to myself. Often these messages are teachings from my books and my personal thoughts on money, the stock market, investing, real estate, mindset, and being an entrepreneur. At the core of my message, I believe anyone can get rich, regardless of age, race, or financial situation. It’s simple a path you start and remain on until it’s achieved. Investing and trading is a way of life. Let me share a little secret, it’s never achieved.

There is no middle man, and I’m humbled and very much appreciate your interest in my work. I am available for questions and comments by email, text, or dm. Follow me on IG, YouTube and on Podcast (iTunes Podcast and Spotify).

Text: 936-661-7786


IG: fullauto11

Youtube: fullauto1125

X (Twitter): fullauto11

Telegram: fullauto11

The Money Flow Trading Society Podcast: Mastering The Trade:

The Science of Getting Rich with Gerald Peters Podcast:

GP - @fullauto11

“Thought is the only power which can produce tangible riches from the Formless Substance. The stuff from which all things are made is a substance which thinks, and a thought of form in this substance produce the form.” -The Science of Getting Rich

Subscribe to The Peters Report - the Ultimate Publication for Traders

The official newsletter of The Money Flow Trading System. Dig deeper into the 4 stages of price movement to learn to trade and invest in the markets. Perfect for day trading, swing trading, or dividend investing.


Trader, Investor and Teacher - 📖 Author of the FREE eBook” You Don’t Have to Die Broke” & Stock Trading Strategy “The Money Flow” 🎙 Host “Science Of Getting Rich Podcast”